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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

Diocesan Inspection - We are Outstanding !

We are thrilled & delighted with the Diocesan SIAMs Inspection Report 10th November 2016 –   WE ARE OUTSTANDING!

Fantastic for the staff, governors, children and parents to celebrate the wonderful work of our school. A true Together Everyone Achieves More effort celebrating the 'Church Hill Way.'

Just a few comments from the report:


  • "The improved learning culture in the classroom and the upward trend in academic standards for all has been driven by the energy of the Christian vision statement of ‘making a difference’ where ‘together everyone achieves more’."

  • "Above average attendance and the school’s drive for improvement in academic achievement, shows improved end of Key Stage 2 results in 2016." 

  • "Parents acknowledge the changes and interventions made to improve standards and feel satisfied that their children’s needs are understood and met."

  • "Parents feel valued and take an active part in many school activities. They find the staff warm, approachable and caring."


Please go to the link from our website to view the full report.