School Council Update!
We are nearly halfway through the year and the School Council and I (Mrs Sudera) would like to share a bit of what we have been up to... We have been working our socks off!
Every half-term we meet to discuss current topics of interest brought forward by the pupils in each class.
This is what we have achieved so far:
- New goal nets
- Movies on during wet lunch
- Bigger and better D&T projects
- Planting
We are currently speaking to the County Council about the parking issues. This is a copy of the letter we sent to them.
We look forward to hearing back from them.
Today, we invited Mrs Stirk to our meeting so we could discuss lunch times. We hope to get monkey bars in the future!
Over the year, we are also planning to check everything on our school charter gets ticked off. Watch this space!
From the School Council :)
You can learn a bit more about us here- School Council