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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

The Queen’s Jubilee Art Competition 2022

In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. We asked our pupils to get involved in celebrating Her Majesty’s historic reign by expressing in a painting what the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee means to them. Have a look at our amazing entries!


The Queen came to the throne on 6 February 1952 and her coronation took place on 2 June 1953. Her Majesty celebrated her Silver Jubilee (25years) in 1977, her Golden Jubilee (50 years) in 2002, and her Diamond Jubilee (60 years) in 2012. Never has a British monarch celebrated a Platinum Jubilee (70 years) , so this really is a historic and momentous occasion!

Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Mike Kapur OBE, wanted to encourage children to participate in the Platinum Jubilee activities and with this in mind wished to create a virtual exhibition of Jubilee themed paintings, produced by children in Leicester and Leicestershire.

The competition was open to all children and all year groups with a Winner and Runner-Up Award for each group.

The winners and their families will be invited to a reception with the Lord-Lieutenant, where special certificates will be presented.

Winning entries will be displayed at County Hall or City Hall with a reception planned and certificates to be presented by the Lord-Lieutenant.

At Church Hill Junior School, we were overwhelmed with all  the entries so we wanted to create our own virtual book- please  take a look...