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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)


Intent for History

At Church Hill Junior school, we follow the guidelines of the National Curriculum to ensure that all children receive a high-quality history education which helps children to gain a coherent knowledge of Britain's history and that of the wider world. We inspire children's curiosity to generate a desire to learn more about the past. Through developing questioning skills, we support children in creating their own lines of enquiry in order to engage and excite them in the history curriculum. As part of our curriculum, we encourage children to think critically, reflect on their own knowledge, discuss arguments, question evidence, use clues in order to develop perspective and to let their light shine through new experiences, discussion and producing pieces of work they are proud of. Our curriculum teaches children about the complexity of people's lives, the process of change and how the relationships between different societies have been challenged over time.

Our curriculum aims are:

•All pupils will develop a sense of chronology, understanding the coherence between different events in time, in particular the influences and changes surrounding Britain.

•All pupils will know and understand significant aspects of history throughout the wider world, including Ancient civilisations and empires.

•All pupils will develop their understanding and use of key vocabulary which relates to history e.g. empire, civilisation, settlement

•All pupils will understand and identify historical concepts including causes and consequences; children will draw on this understanding to make links, ask structured questions, analyse trends and create narratives.

•All pupils will understand how to conduct historical enquiry, including a critical and rigorous interpretation of evidence.

•All pupils will develop a historical perspective by placing their understanding into different contexts, understanding connections between local, regional, national and international history.

•All pupils will make connections between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history.


      Useful websites to help your child find out more about History